Local blogger Emily Brunotte is the author of Champage in the Rain, a lifestyle website where she writes about style, food, beauty and more. Brunotte was kind enough to answer to answer some questions for us - see what she had to say about starting a blog as a creative outlet, where she finds inspiration for her posts, and her best style advice.
You've been blogging for quite some time. What made you decide to start blogging?
I started blogging my last year of law school. As a full-time law student, you are only allowed to work so many hours, but by your third year of school, it does not take up as much of your time, so I found that I had some extra time on my hands and I was starving for a creative outlet.
What advice would you give to someone just starting a lifestyle or fashion blog?
Be real and be yourself. It sounds cliche and obvious, but it is so easy to compare yourself to others in social media and to want to change your aesthetic. But don’t try to do something that someone else is doing or be like someone else because - people will want to follow you for your unique eye, aesthetic, view on life, etc.
Where do you find inspiration for your posts?
Most of the things I post stem from something that I am interested in or something I’ve gotten lots of questions on. I often Google outfits to get inspiration, so I might do a post on something I had been looking for (like How to Update your Work Wardrobe). I also get lots of questions about parenting - a recent post I wrote was on potty training early - because I got so many questions about how we’ve been able to get Cora to use the potty so early.
How would you describe your personal style?
Like most women I know, my style has changed through the years, but I would say that my overarching style is “Casual.” On any given day, I am wearing jeans and a white T-shirt. When I’m getting dressed up my style moves more towards an “Edgy Ladylike.” So I might add a pair of strappy heels and a blazer to the jeans and white T-shirt outfit and head out for date night like that.
What is the best piece of style advice you've ever received?
I don’t know that this is necessarily advice I received from anyone in particular - but I try to dress in a way that makes me feel good. These days, my style revolves around clothes that are easy to wear to chase after a baby.
Learn more about Emily at www.champagneintherain.com